Sentence example with the word 'stemming'


Last update: June 26, 2015


He showed extraordinary energy, resource and military talent in stemming the advance of the royalists, who now followed up their victories by advancing into the association; he defeated them at Gainsborough on the 28th of July, and managed a masterly retreat before overwhelming numbers to Lincoln, while the victory on the 11th of October at Winceby finally secured the association, and maintained the wedge which prevented the junction of the royalists in the north with the king in the south.   [Please select]


"Still there is no stemming the tide of popular opinion."   [Please select]


Her progress was slow, for she was now stemming the current.   [Please select]


Two days ago she had seen them stemming the sky blasts, heralding the coming of unfelt tempests, flapping steadily through the fragrant rain.   [Please select]


Lowington and begged him to assist in stemming the tide which was setting against the Brockway Academy.   [Please select]


't Was werkelijk bijzonder, want iedereen verkeerde in een bovenaardsch goede stemming, en zelfverloochening was aan de orde van den dag.   [Please select]

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stemmers - stemming - stems