One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot. [Please select]
5 a curves somewhat forward and again divides at least once; while the hind prong is of great length undivided, and directed backwards in a manner found in no other deer. [Please select]
He held up a steel pronged instrument about six inches long. [Please select]
Lastly, I found a pair of them in between the row of cocoons of the Three-pronged Osmia (_O.) [Please select]
In the case of the Three-pronged Osmia, the male has about a week's start. [Please select]
The Three-pronged Osmia already shows us that the problem is far from being solved. [Please select]
There is just one thing that might possibly arouse a suspicion of the cause of this irregularity in the Three-pronged Osmia's laying. [Please select]
A spade and a three-pronged fork place the insect's crypts before our eyes. [Please select]
His uncared-for wound was like a red-hot prong in his flesh. [Please select]
Just as it reaches the top the prong is beginning to move inwards, causing a _rarefaction_ of the air behind it. [Please select]
Placing a cent-piece on each prong of one of the forks, we destroy its perfect synchronism with the other, and no such communication of sound from the one to the other is then possible. [Please select]
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