Sentence example with the word 'squamosals'


Last update: July 26, 2015


The squamosals form the posterior outer margin of the orbits and are frequently continued into two lateral downward processes across the temporal fossa.   [Please select]


The squamosals are large; the long anterior arm is separated from the maxillary by a suture.   [Please select]


The delicate, spindle-shaped columellae lie ventral to the tegmen tympani and squamosals, are spatulate distally, and have a broad basal attachment to the auditory region.   [Please select]


The squamosals are moderate in size and extend one-fourth the distance from the dorsal end of the quadrate to the maxillary.   [Please select]


The squamosals of both species are large and connected to the maxillary by a bony connection; the squamosals of _S.   [Please select]


The tegmen tympani are much reduced and maintain only cartilaginous contact with the posterior arms of the squamosals.   [Please select]

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squamosal - squamosals - squamous