She couldn't explain the sense that she didn't belong despite the pictures of her and Jonny on the walls and all her things sprinkled around the room. [Please select]
The nurse gave her a fresh handkerchief, sprinkled with cologne water. [Please select]
Water was being sprinkled on his face. [Please select]
He sprinkled it through his fingers ringwise from the chipped eggcup. [Please select]
He sprinkled some water over her. [Please select]
Even the dying were restored to health on drinking that water, and the dead who were sprinkled with it came to life again. [Please select]
And as he came closer still, he could see how she shrank and shivered when the waves sprinkled her with cold salt spray. [Please select]
, may be added to the solution prior to the addition of rosin or sprinkled in towards the finish of the boiling. [Please select]
Yellow prussiate of potash is an excellent medium, and this is sprinkled over the cherry-heated article to be annealed. [Please select]
A small portion of damp sand is sprinkled on the bottom of the barrel. [Please select]
The king dipped his hand into it and sprinkled the baby, saying: "I own this baby for my son." [Please select]
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