Sentence example with the word 'sparred'


Last update: September 15, 2015


The Immortal launched himself at Rhyn, and the two sparred as the scientist watched intently.   [Please select]


Its opponents now sparred for time, but a motion to recommit in order to give opportunity for further consideration was defeated by 48 to 41.   [Please select]


He stood somewhat carelessly at first, but as they sparred for an opening he became more careful, and presently hit out sharply.   [Please select]


John sparred with him for information, and Satterlee gave back words without any.   [Please select]


For several moments the two stood at arm's length and sparred.   [Please select]


Mark had sparred with several of them, and, being open handed and friendly, was generally liked.   [Please select]


She was great chums with the Castletons, though she sparred occasionally with Tattie Carew or with Nan Colville.   [Please select]


Anatole, when they had sparred together after supper, and Svengali's nose had got in the way on this occasion, and had been made to bleed; but that was not why he hated Little Billee.   [Please select]


He sparred for time by some informal prefatory remarks expressing regret at his illness and that he had been compelled to disappoint his audience a few days before, and then he stood helpless.   [Please select]

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sparling - sparred - sparring