Sentence example with the word 'sloshing'


Last update: June 9, 2015


They slopped forward, feet sloshing the muddy floor, no longer trying to avoid the water that oozed in rivulets down the narrow passageway, back toward the entrance, now out of sight behind them.   [Please select]


A stream of water two feet square shot from the bottom of the dam and went sloshing down among the rocks.   [Please select]


The _Coal Tar Maggie_ came sloshing into their midst with a light breeze astern, and they crowded on deck to see us.   [Please select]


I'm glad I'm on top and not sloshing around in the Gulf right now.   [Please select]


We were very glad of it, though how she managed to sleep while the raft was rising and falling and sliding and sloshing from one wave to another, I can't tell.   [Please select]


"Why, if men and women had the quality of love needed to make 'freedom' work," thought the tutor suddenly, sloshing along toward the Choristers', "they wouldn't need the freedom."   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

sloshed - sloshing - sloshy