Sentence example with the word 'shrubberies'


Last update: September 23, 2015


Numerous other firs are common in gardens and shrubberies, and some furnish valuable products in their native countries; but they are not yet of sufficient economic or general interest to demand mention here.   [Please select]


As they drove through the streets, Katy and Clover caught glimpses of conservatories and shrubberies and beautiful houses with bay-windows and piazzas.   [Please select]


Her strong, supple figure stood out against the young green of the lawns and shrubberies, seen through the French windows behind her.   [Please select]


The kitten was a half-wild one, living in the shrubberies near the house.   [Please select]


The eglantine bushes were shoulder-high, but she had breasted underwood in the shrubberies, and was not afraid.   [Please select]


Clearly something made him of value to the owner of the Shrubberies.   [Please select]


Which explanation solves the mystery of Peter's presence at the Shrubberies.   [Please select]


So we shall be married in September, at the Shrubberies, and sail for Europe almost immediately.   [Please select]


It was really a relief to this terrible inactivity, when he found himself actually at the Shrubberies, the afternoon before the wedding.   [Please select]


Fountains of bright water threw their jets high above the sweet-scented groves and shrubberies.   [Please select]


"Much good it is me cleaning," cook continued, "when that great big brown beast of yours goes roaming about every night in the shrubberies, and comes in with his feet all over my clean floor."   [Please select]

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shrub - shrubberies - shrubbery