Sentence example with the word 'serges'


Last update: July 10, 2015


The wool manufacture flourished at Honiton in the reign of Henry VII., and it is said to have been the first town at which serges were made, but the industry entirely declined during the 19th century.   [Please select]


Manufactories were set up for serges, so that wool was no longer exported, but the raw material was consumed at home.   [Please select]


Jean and the Comte are dressed in beautiful English blue serges, and look neat enough to be under a glass case.   [Please select]


This is a very common way of dyeing blues on serges, cashmeres and worsted goods.   [Please select]


In some countries they fabricated serges, which were in great repute, and cloths or felts;[90] in others they worked the mines with skill, and employed themselves in the fabrication of metals.   [Please select]


"Every farm house," says Coman, the economic historian, "was a workshop where the women spun and wove the serges, kerseys, and linsey-woolseys which served for the common wear."   [Please select]

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sergeants - serges - serial