Sentence example with the word 'sensitively'


Definition adv. in a sensitive manner

Last update: September 29, 2015


His sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.   [Please select]


What can be more sensitively touching than the following anecdote, sent to _The Animal World_ by C.   [Please select]


Some birds, especially many of our beautiful native species, are sensitively organized, and cannot endure such boorish society as the badly bred foreigners furnish.   [Please select]


"Yes, on the whole, I think so," he answered, smiling, but sensitively aware of a possible hint of irony in her.   [Please select]


She liked the touch of his fingers through her hair, and closed her eyes sensitively.   [Please select]


But, though with sensitively wrinkled nostrils, Finn made his examination very thoroughly.   [Please select]


Next instant Finn was beside her, with lolling tongue and sensitively questioning nostrils.   [Please select]


"That girl's more sensitively and delicately organized than you fellows see."   [Please select]


He shrank sensitively from their bold stares and unpleasantly audible comments.   [Please select]


Lady Ingleton sickened now when she thought of the lovely hands sensitively touching, feeling, the thin china.   [Please select]


He left the tangle of beard on the matting, and Scooter stopped and nosed it sensitively till Everard stooped and picked it up.   [Please select]

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sensitive - sensitively - sensitiveness