Sentence example with the word 'scrapple'


aspic, boiled meat, civet, forcemeat, hachis, jerky, jugged hare, menue viande, pemmican, roast, venison

Definition n. scraps of meat

Last update: September 1, 2015


Bok was telling Kipling one day about the scrapple so dear to the heart of the Philadelphian as a breakfast dish.   [Please select]


Then later came this afterthought: "A noble dish is that scrapple, but don't eat three slices and go to work straight on top of 'em."'   [Please select]


He found out how to do it, and to do it so amicably that it was reported that he breakfasted often with the Ohio Senator and that they even ate griddle-cakes and scrapple together.   [Please select]


The tenderloin makes good roasts, the head and feet may go into head cheese or scrapple, and the trimmings and other scraps of lean meat serve for a few pounds of home-made sausage.   [Please select]

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