arranged, cadastral, contrived, enumerated, indexed, methodized, on the carpet, planned, rationalized, slated, systematized, to come
Definitionadj. planned or scheduled for some certain time or times
Last update: September 23, 2015
He was scheduled to work tomorrow, though and she didn't want to wait another day. [Please select]
He bethought him of his boat-train, scheduled to leave a station miles distant, in an hour and a half. [Please select]
A third check had been placed against the train for Amsterdam scheduled to leave Antwerp at 6:32 p. [Please select]
As the barrow rounds the corner near the new building it makes a newly scheduled stop. [Please select]
It was scheduled to reach Cincinnati at eleven o’clock sharp. [Please select]
Every train known by a scheduled time at Wellingsford goes to London. [Please select]
Well, you are a little behind scheduled time, but still you are prospering. [Please select]
After standing out their "spell," they proceeded to quietly awaken those who were scheduled to follow after them. [Please select]
Wright, however, could help only in Auburn, and Susan was obliged to continue her scheduled meetings alone. [Please select]
Three of the girls were put into each automobile and one of the men got in with them to see that their conduct was as per scheduled program. [Please select]
It would be unkind to tell what became of those ropes when they suddenly started back home ahead of the scheduled time from the first battle of Bull Run. [Please select]
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