Sentence example with the word 'roundelay'


alba, canon, dithyramb, epode, georgic, lyric, palinode, prothalamium, rondoletto, song, threnody, versicle

Definition n. a song in which a line or phrase is repeated as the refrain


These are not great; he has no roundelay; he neither warbles nor carols; he does not even twitter.   [Please select]


Robin rose up early, At the break of day; He flew to Jenny Wren's house To sing a roundelay.   [Please select]


Robin rose up early At the break of day; He flew to Jenny Wren's house, To sing a roundelay.   [Please select]


TERPSICHORE, the muse of Dance and Roundelay, is represented in the act of playing on a seven-stringed lyre.   [Please select]


The April wind was filling the pine trees with its roundelay, and the grove was alive with robins--great, plump, saucy fellows, strutting along the paths.   [Please select]

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rounded - roundelay - roundelays