Sentence example with the word 'tunes'


Last update: August 18, 2015


Marconi exhibited in October 1900 this apparatus in action, and showed that two or more receivers of different tunes could be connected to the same antenna and made to respond separately and simultaneously to the action of separate but tuned transmitters.   [Please select]


"We love the old tunes best," said Cora.   [Please select]


But if the artist tunes his soul to this note, the sound will ring in his work of itself.   [Please select]


Outside, the merry-go-round blared out its comic tunes, screaming now and then to attract public notice.   [Please select]


There was something so infectious in the rollicking tunes which Captain Jim played that very soon Marshall Elliott's feet began to twitch.   [Please select]


He was just a very sensible and kindly man, rather given to lonely wanderings and melancholy tunes upon his faithful flute.   [Please select]


Often the tunes are those heard in church the previous day or earlier.   [Please select]


And so he went on saying he would play many different tunes, but he played nothing but "Yankee Doodle."   [Please select]


And between tunes I did my best to worry Brother Terrapin.   [Please select]


After a while he commenced picking out the tunes of comic songs, and before long chanced on one that somebody in the front part of the train recognized and began to sing.   [Please select]


So when Lady Waldon had slipped out into the darkness we lit half a dozen lamps and started a concert, Fred playing and we singing the sort of tunes that black men love.   [Please select]

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tuners - tunes - tungsten