Sentence example with the word 'requital'


amends, compensation, deserts, indemnity, paying back, quid pro quo, refund, repayment, retaliation, reward, solatium, what is due

Definition n. a justly deserved penalty

Last update: September 18, 2015


The child of the illegitmate union died; the second was called Jedidiah ("beloved of Yah [weh]") or Shelomoh (the idea of requital or recompense may be implied); according to 1 Chron.   [Please select]


The one-sided deed of good or ill is a disturbance, the removal of which demands a corresponding requital.   [Please select]


And sometimes, in requital, the HOFF-NARR, with a pithy jest, wound up the conclusion of the orator's tedious harangue.   [Please select]


For days he had labored, spurred by a fierce haste to make requital.   [Please select]


Are they so noble that they ask nothing in requital of their bounty.   [Please select]


He had sold his birthright for a requital, which had sickened him even in the moment of fulfilment.   [Please select]


But with this were united recollections more agitating if less painful,--her hair-breadth escape--the fortunate assistance which he had been able to render her--Yet what was his requital.   [Please select]

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requisitions - requital - requitals