The chief success of the government lay in the field of foreign politics, where it prudently avoided entanglement in the ambitious schemes of Hellenistic monarchs, but gained great prestige by energetic interference against aggressors who threatened the existing balance of power or the security of the seas. [Please select]
"I will use it prudently, madam," said he, "and account to you for all I do not use." [Please select]
Some of the directors prudently insisted on reserving the right to withdraw their proposals should they change their minds. [Please select]
Before either of the gunners could direct their aim, he was beyond the range of shot, and both prudently reserved their fire. [Please select]
"Perhaps there's more than one of them," suggested the second servant, prudently. [Please select]
I turn prudently aside, and leave him to his hungry vigil. [Please select]
No one doubted his ability prudently to incur such an outlay. [Please select]
He had only 3,000 men about him, so prudently declined to be drawn from that safe retreat of the assailed. [Please select]
Cicero prudently made his escape,[617] and the victory once again remained with the nobles, who were probably supported by a greater number of gladiators. [Please select]
)--Trebatius appeared little satisfied, complained of the severity of the service, and, when Cæsar passed into Britain, he prudently remained on the Continent. [Please select]
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