Sentence example with the word 'reprehended'


Last update: July 25, 2015


The discovery that the poet had printed secretly 1500 copies of The Patriot King caused him to publish a correct version in 1749, and stirred up a further altercation with Warburton, who defended his friend against Bolingbroke's bitter aspersions, the latter, whose conduct was generally reprehended, publishing a Familiar Epistle to the most Impudent Man Living.   [Please select]


Are they not rather to be reprehended, whether I am a Chinaman or not.   [Please select]


The white men, waxing angry, slew the envoys--an evil deed which their own color in Maryland and in Virginia reprehended and repudiated.   [Please select]


It may be that this is sometimes so, nor can such neglect be too severely reprehended; yet this is by no means a necessary result.   [Please select]


Once graduated to the dining-room, any reversion to such tactics must be firmly reprehended, and the child should understand that continued offense means a return to the nursery.   [Please select]

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reprehend - reprehended - reprehensible