Sentence example with the word 'purloined'


Last update: June 21, 2015


As soon as he reached Moscow, Prince Andrew had received from his father Natasha's note to Princess Mary breaking off her engagement (Mademoiselle Bourienne had purloined it from Princess Mary and given it to the old prince), and he heard from him the story of Natasha's elopement, with additions.   [Please select]


It is rather hard to make bricks without straw, and her supply of materials, mostly purloined from Beatrice's piece-box, was decidedly scanty.   [Please select]


If he refuses, it will be a clear case that he has heard and purloined it.   [Please select]


A young cowbird that I purloined from the nest and tried to rear by hand did not prove a pleasant pet.   [Please select]


And as she had sent her subscription to Bok personally, he had purloined the dollar.   [Please select]


She purloined a good breakfastcupful, and divided the spoils with her four confederates.   [Please select]


No one would like to suspect him of having purloined his wife's tiara.   [Please select]


One by one the clusters are pecked open and their contents purloined, carried, perhaps, to some convenient storehouse for future banquetings.   [Please select]


We go to the spot and find that his hidden treasure is a grain of corn which he has purloined from the farmer's field on the slope.   [Please select]


From Leonore's appearance, one would have supposed that she had purloined something of value from his quarters, and was meditating a sudden dash of escape with it.   [Please select]

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purloin - purloined - purloiner