Sentence example with the word 'purged'


banned, bowdlerized, cleaned up, debarred, ejected, exiled, expurgated, liquidated, not included, prohibited, refined, shut out, tabooed

Last update: September 16, 2015


Merciless, cutthroat, aggressive, he purged the oldest demons from the demon ranks.   [Please select]


Pity and fear are purged of the impure element which clings to them in life.   [Please select]


Some of them were sabered and the Kremlin was purged of their presence.   [Please select]


She has come with a winnowing fan in her hand, and she will not stop till she has thoroughly purged her floor.   [Please select]


Romance, for that matter, never had existed and it was high time the stupid world was forcibly purged of its immemorial illusion.   [Please select]


I had purged my known offences by imprisonment, whereas Raffles was merely supposed to have escaped punishment in death.   [Please select]


The army officers purged the Legislature of Georgia in 1870, that of Alabama in 1872, and that of Louisiana in 1875.   [Please select]

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purge - purged - purges