Sentence example with the word 'preludes'


Last update: July 1, 2015


The school has been considered with some truth to form a connecting link with the later scepticism, just as the contemporary Cynicism and Cyrenaicism may be held to be imperfect preludes to Stoicism and Epicureanism.   [Please select]


She crammed her "Bach's Preludes" and "Schubert's Impromptus" automatically into her portfolio, and started.   [Please select]


Such revival and experiment have often, in the past, been the preludes of great epochs of poetical production.   [Please select]


In the midst of these imbecilities, the preludes of medicine, we find a mention of the "fuller."   [Please select]


She believed that Canon Wilton had given the organist a hint that he would have an attentive hearer, for he was playing one of Bach's greatest preludes and fugues.   [Please select]


This mode of development, which preludes the customary entomological forms by the multiple transfigurations of the larva, certainly deserves a special name: I suggest that of _hypermetamorphosis_.   [Please select]

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preluded - preludes - preluding