Sentence example with the word 'praus'


Last update: November 3, 2015


These affluents and the Batang Hari itself (except the part at the mouth, Mamun-Simalidu) are navigable only by praus drawing not more than in.   [Please select]


On account of this some of his men deserted, but at last he reached Lanchan with ten armed praus.   [Please select]


These were more or less connected with praus laden with the rich and varied merchandise of the eastern seas.   [Please select]


Prauncar, his grandmother, aunt, and stepmother--he wife of Langara--together with Diego Belloso and Blas Ruyz, embarked and journeyed in the said boats and praus down the rivers flowing from Lao to Camboja.   [Please select]


Then he burned their quarters and vessels except that of Joan de Mendoça, who, fearing the danger, descended the river toward the sea and defended himself against some praus that had followed him.   [Please select]

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prattling - praus - prawn