Variation and relative growth in the plastral scutes of the turtle _Kinosternon integrum_ LeConte. [Please select]
The relative length of the plastral bridge in these specimens compares favorable with the ratio (.) [Please select]
The relation of plastral length to number of eggs laid by 21 females of _T. [Please select]
Table 3 summarizes the relationship of abdominal length to plastral length, and of carapace length to plastral length. [Please select]
--The Relationship of Length of Abdominal Scute to Plastral Length, and of Plastral Length to Length of Carapace, in 103 Specimens of _T. [Please select]
Cagle (1946 and 1948) minimized error by expressing plastral length as the sum of the laminal (or growth-ring) lengths. [Please select]
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