Sentence example with the word 'philosophized'


Last update: June 10, 2015


Thus during the six days of the week the Therapeutae "philosophized," each in his own cell, but on the Sabbath they met in a common assembly, where women also had places screened off from the men, and listened to a discourse from one who was the eldest and most skilled in their doctrines.   [Please select]


The card sharps, however philosophized wonderfully about the will of the Almighty and how strange His ways.   [Please select]


"Hunger is a good thing," philosophized the Sybarite once more, "when a man has a good meal in prospect."   [Please select]


Those who have not philosophized in order have had other opinions on this subject, because they never distinguished with sufficient care the mind from the body.   [Please select]


The origin of materialism is to be found in the beliefs of savage tribes, and is again found, very clearly defined, in the philosophy of those ancient Greeks who philosophized before Plato and Aristotle.   [Please select]

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philosophize - philosophized - philosophizes