Sentence example with the word 'phallus'


bag, beard, cod, female organs, labia, lips, nymphae, privates, reproductive organs, sex organs, uterus, yoni

Definition n. genus of fungi having the cap or pileus hanging free around the stem

Last update: September 2, 2015


The substantial features of the ancient Dionysiac rites, including a ritual play by "goat-men" carrying a wooden phallus, may still be seen at Bizye, the old residence of the Thracian kings (see R.   [Please select]


According to Prokesch, gigantic Phallus columns lie on some of these graves.   [Please select]


_:201) considers generic _versus_ subgeneric rank for _Ochrotomys_, and on the basis of studies of the phallus Hooper (1958:23) stated that "it is clear that _nuttalli_ should be removed from _Peromyscus_ and should be listed as _Ochrotomys nuttalli_ (Harlan)."   [Please select]


The male phallus in mice of the genus _Peromyscus_.   [Please select]

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