Sentence example with the word 'petting'


amorous dalliance, bundling, cuddling, feeling, fondling, frottage, hugging, lollygagging, manipulation, nestling, palpation, rubbing, snuggling, stroking

Definition n. affectionate play

Last update: June 18, 2015


Within seconds, their petting grew frantic, and she shimmied out of her dress before pushing off his shirt.   [Please select]


AIDING AND ABETTING, PETTING, HEN-SETTING, FRETTING,--there's nothing very nice, but I can make fretting' do.'   [Please select]


Cheered by Rowena's petting, The flowers are rosetting, But Aunt Miranda's fretting Doth somewhat cloud the day.   [Please select]


They were given the best food and a great deal of petting from Aunt Sarah.   [Please select]


Had Ida been an ordinary child, all this petting would have had an injurious effect upon her mind.   [Please select]


"Got Snoop dis time," Freddie lisped, knocking the cover off the box and petting the frightened little black cat.   [Please select]


If they stayed at home, their mother would spoil them with much petting.   [Please select]


At home, there was more praise and petting;--this time from both the Mistress and the Master.   [Please select]


Every mother knows the development of tenderness and motherliness that goes on in her little girl through the nursing and petting and teaching and caring for her doll.   [Please select]


The barns and corrals were familiar places to her, and she insisted upon petting every horse, in some instances to Jake's manifest concern.   [Please select]

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pettinesses - petting - pettings