Definitionadj. relentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit
Last update: September 18, 2015
Both belong to the category of " coelomoducts," namely, r- ' tubular or funnel-like portions of the coelom opening to the exterior in pairs in each somite (potentially,) and usually persisting in only a few somites as either "urocoels" (renal organs) or "gonocoels"(genital tubes). [Please select]
A human body is one persisting thing for common sense, but for physics its matter is constantly changing. [Please select]
The good old woman was much embarrassed, when she found Aladdin persisting in so wild a design. [Please select]
Sir John Fenwick persisting, I ask your Majesty's indulgence while I fetch him. [Please select]
For Nina's passion for things was inherent, persisting after her marriage. [Please select]
The persons to be "invaded to the death" are recalcitrant Catholics, "grit or small," persisting in remaining in Scotland. [Please select]
Tarleton and other officers condemned Cornwallis sharply for not persisting in the effort to get away. [Please select]
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