Sentence example with the word 'nerve'


afferent neuron, bolster, chirk up, effrontery, grit, impudence, neuron, sand, spirit, support, valor

Definition n. any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body

Last update: June 27, 2015


Nerve yourself for the finals.   [verb]


She nerved herself to enter the room.   [verb]


Some of her finger nerves were badly damaged when she crushed her hands in the car door.   [noun]


After her accident she lost her nerve to drive. .   [noun]


He is full of nerves.   [Please select]


Sarin is the nerve agent that was later used in the terrorist attack on the Tokyo underground in 1995.   [Please select]


Other supplements including vitamin B and acetyl L-Carnitine have been shown to help nerve and muscle tissue re-grow.   [Please select]


His person, though muscular, was rather attenuated than full; but every nerve and muscle appeared strung and indurated by unremitted exposure and toil.   [Please select]


Good nerve, as well as strong spring, and compactness of power are needed for it; and even in this athletic age there are few who find it easy.   [Please select]


He repressed forcibly these selfish emotions, though with an agony which thrilled his every nerve.   [noun]


After the battle of Culloden had ruined the hopes of Charles Edward and dispersed his proscribed adherents, it was Colonel Whitefoord's turn to strain every nerve to obtain Mr.   [Please select]


But her strong sense of duty and predominant feeling of loyalty will give new nerve to her mind after the immediate and acute sensation of this parting has passed away.   [noun]

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neroli - nerve - nerved