Sentence example with the word 'pampas'


alkali flat, champaign country, flat, grazing, llano, meadow land, park, plateau, savanna, tree veld, wold

Definition n. the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina

Last update: September 3, 2015


The eastern ranges parallel to the Andes are here broken into detached extensions and spurs, which soon disappear in the elevated western pampas, and the Andes contract south of Aconcagua to a single range, which descends gradually to the great plains of La Pampa and Neuquen.   [Please select]


This hair-ball had been taken from a cow that fed on the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.   [Please select]


He is hunted on the Pampas by dogs, and the Indians secure him with the bolas or the lasso.   [Please select]


The white-lipped peccaries are found in all the forests of South America--from the Caribbean Sea to the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.   [Please select]


On the pampas of South America these horses exist in vast droves.   [Please select]


Travellers tell many interesting tales of the play of these animals, especially on the Pampas of South America.   [Please select]

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