Sentence example with the word 'palmistry'


Definition n. telling fortunes by lines on the palm of the hand

Last update: August 25, 2015


One of the oldest of this large family of predictive systems is that of palmistry, whereby the various irregularities and flexion-folds of the skin of the hand are interpreted as being associated with mental or moral dispositions and powers, as well as with the current of future events in the life of the individual.   [Please select]


(To Zoe) Who taught you palmistry.   [Please select]


"To my notion palmistry is the best means of finding out what nobody knows or cares to know."   [Please select]


For a young woman to dream of palmistry, foretells she will be the object of suspicion.   [Please select]


When palmistry was to be used, the booth was closed with black curtains, between which was seen only this long face, with the flaring ears and laughing eyes.   [Please select]


When Despard began to teach him the little he himself knew of palmistry, it had caused interest, and after a while a half-belief.   [Please select]

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