The original specimen of C. dodecalophus contained exclusively female zooids, in which a single pair of ovaries (figs. [Please select]
] The ovaries consist of rounded masses of cells lying at the base of the ectoderm. [Please select]
Spermaries are produced more readily than ovaries; they are mammillate in form and number from 4 to 24. [Please select]
Ovaries and spermaries have not been found on the same individual. [Please select]
The ovaries and testes are borne on the endocyst, not in connection with the funiculus. [Please select]
Neither the ovaries nor the testes have any fixed position on the lateral walls of the zooecium to which they are confined. [Please select]
B Baccate -us: berry-like: applied to bladder-like ovaries from the surface of which the short ovarian tubes arise. [Please select]
Meroistic: ovaries that secrete yolk or vitellaginous cells as well as ova. [Please select]
Eggs capable of parthenogenetic development, produced in large numbers in the ovaries of these females, give rise to young which, developing within the body of the mother, are born in an active state. [Please select]
The actual evidence was provided by females with active brood patches or active ovaries, males with enlarged testes, birds in juvenal plumage, or birds actively in annual molt. [Please select]
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