Lehmann it melts at 168° (or at a slightly lower temperature in its water of crystallization) and on cooling forms optically isotropic crystals; at 125.6° the mass becomes doubly refracting, and from a solution rhombohedral (optically uniaxial) crystals are deposited; by further cooling acicular rhombic crystals are produced at 82.8°, and at 32.4° other rhombic forms are obtained, identical with the product obtained by crystallizing at ordinary temperatures. [Please select]
Ice and water are so optically alike that unless the light fall properly upon these flowers you cannot see them. [Please select]
Pure ricinoleic acid, obtained from castor oil, is optically active, its rotation being [alpha]_{d} +6° 25'.' [Please select]
5693; is optically inactive, and dissolves readily in one volume of 70 per cent. [Please select]
897, is optically inactive, and should be entirely absorbed by a hot saturated solution of sodium bisulphite. [Please select]
We found one make that was superior to any other of the same price and equal optically, and nearly as well made as those costing three times as much. [Please select]
I ask yuh," he finished dramatically, and evidently laboring under the momentary conviction that Carl, too, was optically afflicted, "I ask yuh, Carl, to cast yer good lamp over that there paper. [Please select]
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