Sentence example with the word 'oecumenical'


Definition adj. concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions

Last update: June 28, 2015


Three Oecumenical Conferences have been held - two at City Road, London, in and 1901, and one at Washington in 1891.   [Please select]


Diæresis, Aphæresis, OEcumenical, Æthiop, Subpoena, Encyclopædia, Phoenix, Phoebus, Æolus.   [Please select]


The Nicene Creed, drafted by an 'oecumenical' conference of bishops under the auspices of Constantine himself,[1] was the last notable formulation of Ancient Greek philosophy.   [Please select]


In 1870 she obtained recognition as a nationality in the Ottoman Empire, her Church being detached from the control of the Oecumenical Patriarch of the Greeks and placed under an Exarch.   [Please select]

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