Sentence example with the word 'octagonal'


decagonal, dodecahedral, eighth, hexagonal, icosahedral, octahedral, octan, octastyle, octonary, octuple, pentahedral

Definition adj. of or relating to or shaped like an octagon

Last update: June 10, 2015


In the centre is an octagonal font bearing date 1294.   [Please select]


He glared angrily through his octagonal glasses for a moment.   [Please select]


Octagonal turrets, plain or covered with sunk panelling, and surmounted with ogee-headed cupolas, which are adorned with crockets and finials.   [Please select]


Recently a resurvey of the remaining circular, square, and octagonal works of Ohio has been made by the Bureau agents.   [Please select]


” To this dear friend he was ever faithful, wearing to the day of his death an octagonal gold ring engraved “Eliot.   [Please select]


There it stood, a shattered mass, its sides all broken, its roof gone, its tall octagonal tower alone substantial and unchanged.   [Please select]


A leafy hill of cryptomeria rose near-by, and an octagonal stone tower peeped above its foliage.   [Please select]


The belfry consists of three stories, the two lower ones square, and the upper one, octagonal.   [Please select]


This summer-house or Temple, as it has come to be called, is an octagonal structure.   [Please select]


The most prominent features from the point of observation were a couple of octagonal towers, very richly ornamented, with several small domes at the summit, supported on handsome columns.   [Please select]


** Block for Planing Octagonal Wood Pieces [293] The little device shown in the illustration will be found very useful in any workshop.   [Please select]

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octagon - octagonal - octagons