Sentence example with the word 'numerical'


algebraic, analytic, digital, figurate, geometric, infinite, logometric, numerary, ordinal, prime, reciprocal

Definition adj. measured or expressed in numbers

Last update: July 3, 2015


In 1905 the value of the wool export regained the £20,000,000 level, and with the rapid recovery of the numerical II.   [Please select]


Odd numerical coincidence,twenty-six battalions rode to meet twenty-six battalions.   [Please select]


Such propositions, then, cannot be termed axioms (for in that case we should have an infinity of these), but numerical formulae.   [Please select]


Some of these latter were occupying positions from which they could not render service proportionate to their numerical strength.   [Please select]


| ============================================================ The metric terms are formed by combining the words "Meter," "Gram" and "Liter" with the six numerical prefixes.   [Please select]


There followed the Moslem date and the numerical signature over Feisul's indubitable seal.   [Please select]


We find in the “Commentaries” three valuable statements: 1st, the numerical state of the Helvetian immigration in 696 (_De Bello Gallico_, I.)   [Please select]


"The chief of the sea is dead," expressed in three Arabic words, gives the numerical value 953, the year of the Hijra in which Kheyr-ed-dīn Barbarossa died.   [Please select]


_) noted also that the avifauna of the Sierra del Carmen, due to its insularity, is unbalanced and stated that "as a consequence of unbalance, species that are present show ecologic extension and unusual numerical relations."   [Please select]

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numeric - numerical - numerically