Definitionadj. fixed or established especially by order or command
Last update: October 4, 2015
She rarely revealed her face outside the kingdom, as was decreed by the first ruler of Tiyan so long ago. [Please select]
Wolowski, "decreed property." [Please select]
They decreed statues to their great men who deserved well of their country. [Please select]
Whatever happens it always appears that just that event was foreseen and decreed. [Please select]
On the following Friday it was decreed that the gallows should do its work. [Please select]
But Bernard decreed that she should remain upon the verandah, and, strangely, Tessa submitted without protest. [Please select]
On November 10, with some 4500 men (there had been many desertions), the march through Lancashire was decreed. [Please select]
If war came to England it would be no war decreed by a few men. [Please select]
Heaven gave this Lyre, and thus decreed, Be thou a bruised--but not a broken--reed. [Please select]
"Here endeth the first lesson in collie-raising, so far as The Place is concerned," he decreed, stalking back to the ringside to watch the rest of the judging. [Please select]
Manetho tells us that in the reign of Binothris, who is Neneter, it was decreed that women could hold royal honours and privileges. [Please select]
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