Sentence example with the word 'nuances'


Last update: September 8, 2015


She acted graciously with all the guests, yet he could pick up subtle nuances that affirmed whether she was speaking to someone who genuinely understood art, or a snob who merely bought it to be in vogue.   [Please select]


They reserve it for persons whom they can trust, and whom they know to be capable of appreciating its nuances.   [Please select]


The subtler nuances of differences between tasks can be gained only by an intimate knowledge of the industry.   [Please select]


Clarke, and thought her full of intelligence, of nuances, and _tres fine_.   [Please select]


"But then Regina always does what he tells her; and BEAUFORT--" "Certain nuances escape Beaufort," said Mr.   [Please select]


His invention of the music-drama rested on his famous theory of music as the heightened medium of expression, glorified speech, which accordingly demands freedom to follow all the varying nuances of feeling and emotion.   [Please select]

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nuance - nuances - nubbin