Sentence example with the word 'nighthawk'


Definition n. a person who likes to be active late at night

Last update: July 26, 2015


Here also are found the sage thrasher, Le Conte's thrasher, the Texas nighthawk, Baird's woodpecker, and the mourning dove.   [Please select]


The nighthawk and whippoorwill are its relatives, and it resembles them not a little, especially in its nocturnal habits.   [Please select]


The flight of the nighthawk is free and graceful in the extreme.   [Please select]


Nighthawk 207 Nighthawk, Western 208 Nutcracker, Clarke's 240 Nuthatch, Slender-billed 341 Nuthatch, Red-breasted 342 Nuthatch, Pygmy 343 O.   [Please select]


The Turkey Vulture, Mourning Dove, Hummingbird, Whip-poor-will, and Nighthawk lay two.   [Please select]


Thus those of the Killdeer, Sandpiper, and Nighthawk, for example, are not easily distinguished from the ground on which they lie.   [Please select]


The Mourning Dove, Nighthawk, and many others will feign lameness and seek to lead you away in a vain pursuit.   [Please select]


--Clifford Fiscus told us that a nighthawk was seen by an Eskimo in the summer of 1952 at Wainwright.   [Please select]


They might have known that he couldn't see in the night, for his eyes are made for daylight and not for darkness, like the eyes of Boomer the Nighthawk and Hooty the Owl.   [Please select]


Have Boomer the Nighthawk see you go to bed there, and then ask him to come straight down here and tell Peter Rabbit just where you are.   [Please select]

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nightgowns - nighthawk - nighthawks