Sentence example with the word 'mescal'


Definition n. a small spineless globe-shaped cactus

Last update: September 15, 2015


Rum is a by-product of the sugar industry, and "mescal" is distilled from the agave.   [Please select]


The Spanish daggers were very numerous, as were also mescal plants, both of these forming veritable thickets in places.   [Please select]


He bought for them mescal and other fiery drinks which were now being sold in view of the coming festival.   [Please select]


They were described as "very dirty on account of the much mescal they eat."   [Please select]


The list below indicates the results of approximately 500 trap nights in the juniper belt near Mescal Canyon, between 4000 and 5000 feet elevation.   [Please select]


Approximately 500 trap nights in Mescal Wash, at 4100 feet elevation, in the lower edge of the juniper belt, yielded the following mammals: TABLE 8.   [Please select]


In May, 1949, ground squirrels were common in the rocks adjacent to Mescal Wash at an elevation of 4500 feet.   [Please select]

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mesas - mescal - mescals