"What's that bunch of lucifers dodging about there for?" muttered Stubb, looking on from the forecastle. [Please select]
The only lucifers aboard were locked in the galley under Frank's sole charge. [Please select]
"Pardon me, then--" I fumbled for my case of lucifers, and made a faint light by which she might read. [Please select]
The briefness of the lucifers was merciful or merciless, as you like. [Please select]
"That leaves only four," he mused, as he felt of the lucifers, "and I haven't got enough to spare." [Please select]
De andere jongelui vielen even begeerig aan op allerlei broze ornamenten, en dwaalden daarna hulpeloos rond, beladen met theewarmers, lucifers-doosjes, beschilderde waaiers, linialen en thermometers van houtsnijwerk en andere nuttige en gepaste aankoopen. [Please select]
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