The scryer may let his consciousness play freely, but should not be disturbed by lookers-on. [Please select]
"Some people are such bad lookers." [Please select]
A considerable number of lookers on had now gathered round. [Please select]
The moment you begin to "paddle your own canoe," lively and--to the lookers-on--mirth-provoking exercises ensue. [Please select]
Them Mego pups is allers fair lookers an' fair go-ers, so fur's I ever heered t' the contrary," he admitted grudgingly." [Please select]
Then the group of lookers-on began to get excited and press against the area railings and ask questions. [Please select]
His protestations and struggles would merely amuse the lookers-on, who would see in them only the impotent rage of an insubordinate youngster. [Please select]
No one deigned to answer; glances of indifference, even scorn, passed among the silent lookers-on, but that was all. [Please select]
It never seems to occur to you what on-lookers see at a glance, namely, that Mr. [Please select]
Each had three shots; and very soon the lookers-on saw that Ben and Bab were the best marksmen, and one of them would surely get the silver arrow. [Please select]
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