From the open sea, at the head of Otago harbour, a narrow inlet (averaging 2 m. [Please select]
There were eight bands, varying in number from 2 to 60 or 70 and averaging about 20 individuals. [Please select]
This species is almost identical with the Glaucus Gull, averaging perhaps a trifle smaller. [Please select]
Eggs like the last but averaging a trifle larger. [Please select]
Their eggs do not differ from those of the Red-eyed Vireo except in size, averaging. [Please select]
5 in males), narrower, and more rugose; zygomatic breadth less in females (averaging 42. [Please select]
Of 33 females taken, 27 carried a single embryo each, the embryos averaging 27. [Please select]
The concrete arch varied in thickness, averaging from 14 to 20 ins. [Please select]
At Sailor Diggings, above Fort Yale, they are doing very well, averaging from 8 to 25 dollars per day to the man. [Please select]
This gives a strip of country 2 miles wide by 25 long, or a total of 50 square miles covered with buffalo, averaging from fifteen to twenty to the acre. [Please select]
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