Sentence example with the word 'jobbing'


agency, buying and selling, dealing, doing business, hawking, interchange, mail-order selling, merchandising, retailing, selling, stockbroking, trade, wholesaling

Last update: June 9, 2015


From them he heard plenty of abuse of stock-jobbing, and seizing their ideas he began to regard stock-jobbing, or agiotage, as the source of all evil, and to attack in his usual vehement style the Banque de St Charles and the Compagnie des Eaux.   [Please select]


The robes mentioned above were Indian-tanned robes and were mainly disposed of to the jobbing trade both East and West.   [Please select]


Suppose I did all the world's stock-jobbing, what would I really have accomplished.   [Please select]


JOBBING gardeners are sometimes neat, and if they leave their rubbish behind them, the hepaticas may turn up again.   [Please select]


He would have nothing to do with stock-jobbing and unseemly speculation.   [Please select]


Two hours later Ben stood in front of the large dry-goods jobbing house of Stackpole & Rogers, in White Street.   [Please select]


The stock-jobbing that had formed so large a part of their history added nothing to their popularity.   [Please select]


The self-interests, the jobbing propensities of the assembly are sure indeed to be of very secondary interest to him.   [Please select]


I myself preferred shooting them either from a light double-barrelled carbine or large bore pistol when alongside; the jobbing at such a large cow-like animal with a spear was always repugnant to my feelings.   [Please select]


It meant that an important function was intrusted to small bodies, quite incompetent of acting upon general principles, and perfectly capable of petty jobbing, when unrestrained by any effective supervision.   [Please select]

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jobbery - jobbing - jobless