Sentence example with the word 'jerboa'


Definition n. mouselike jumping rodent

Last update: August 26, 2015


The lion and the hunting-leopard, which may be considered as, in this epoch at least, Ethiopian types, extend thus far, besides various species of jerboa and other desert-loving forms.   [Please select]


A most unusual family of skilled house-builders are the brush-tailed rat-kangaroos, or Jerboa kangaroos of Australia and Tasmania.   [Please select]


Jerboa often carries her babies on her back when she goes out to seek food.   [Please select]


At Hissar he found it among low sand-hills, where it appeared to feed on the jerboa-rat (_Gerbillus Indicus_), which is common there.   [Please select]


This fox lives chiefly on the jerboa-rat (_Gerbillus Indicus_) common on sandy plains.   [Please select]


This family contains a form of rodent similar to, yet more pronounced than, the jerboa rats, of which I have already treated.   [Please select]


Jack, 359 Jack screamer, 289 Jackal, 27, 28, 84, 86 Jackass penguin, 326 Jackdaw, 251, 271 Jacobin, 294 Jaguar, 43, 64-67 Jay, 251, 262 Jerboa, 226, 234 Jungle fowl, 297 K.   [Please select]

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