Sentence example with the word 'investigates'


Last update: August 25, 2015


We understand by economics the science which investigates the manner in which nations or other larger or smaller communities, and their individual members, obtain food, clothing, shelter and whatever else is considered desirable or necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the conditions of life.   [Please select]


Instead of asserting and denying, he investigates how knowledge arises, of what factors it is composed, and how far it extends.   [Please select]


The former investigates the equilibrium or the settled final state; the latter, the change, _i.   [Please select]


He hurriedly returns, appears again, once more investigates and creeps back under the corpse.   [Please select]


Finally, another department, the newest of all, investigates the action of minds when they are thrown together in crowds.   [Please select]


XV OLD GRANNY FOX INVESTIGATES In-vest-i-gate is a great big word, but its meaning is very simple.   [Please select]


To this end the individual benefits himself in so far as he eliminates himself from the objects which he investigates.   [Please select]

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investigated - investigates - investigating