The things thus in hope were unmixed with doubts--they WERE. [Please select]
A thrill of indignation, not unmixed with fear, ran through the liberal party in France. [Please select]
But in all other respects a Parliamentary government has in finance an unmixed advantage over the Presidential in the incessant discussion. [Please select]
He saw and he was filled with wonder not unmixed with apprehension. [Please select]
Turpin patented the use of picric acid, unmixed with any other substance, in 1885. [Please select]
Jane Clayton surveyed them with unmixed feelings of pride and affection. [Please select]
We don't look for unmixed good in men," said the girl with a mischievous little laugh." [Please select]
The old gentleman was in a state of excitement, not unmixed with perplexity and trouble. [Please select]
With all these merits, however, they are not found to be a profitable breed, if kept thorough-bred and unmixed. [Please select]
This is certainly not an unmixed evil, for it is well that a child should not exhaust the possibilities of such a masterpiece when he first reads it. [Please select]
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