Sentence example with the word 'incarceration'


beleaguerment, captivity, cordoning, durance vile, estrapade, immuration, inclusion, martyrdom, railriding, tar-and-feathering, torture

Definition n. the state of being imprisoned

Last update: June 15, 2015


To the credit of the slaveholding statesman it must be said that he responded favourably, but before he had time for the requisite preliminaries Arthur Tappan, a philanthropic merchant of New York, contributed the necessary sum and set the prisoner free after an incarceration of seven weeks.   [Please select]


It is not expected that incarceration will have any reformatory effect.   [Please select]


The cock feeds the sitting hen during the whole period of her voluntary incarceration.   [Please select]


9, weighing originally 988 grains, had increased during its incarceration to 1116 grains; but No.   [Please select]


Foreign railways were closed to him by the _Salle d’Attente_; he could not stand incarceration in the waiting-rooms.   [Please select]


But he has taken advantage of his uncle's incarceration to defraud him, and after the first payment neglected to make any returns.   [Please select]


Yet within a few minutes of his incarceration Tarzan had commenced to undertake his escape.   [Please select]


I suppose I learned something during the seven years of my incarceration.   [Please select]


For one thing, Tim could not come because of his duties on the force, and Murphy, for all he knew, was undergoing incarceration.   [Please select]


I wish the lad no severe bodily injury; but incarceration, or even a few stripes, would be a good example in this neighbourhood.   [Please select]

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incarcerating - incarceration - incarnadine