Able men who wished to be useful without hazarding their lives took refuge in the committees where new laws were drafted and discussed. [Please select]
So go home in peace, and beware of hazarding the life which God lent you. [Please select]
"Faith, ma'am, by speculation," said Andy, hazarding a guess.' [Please select]
I feared early instilled prejudice: I wanted to have you safe before hazarding confidences. [Please select]
We lay awake on our cots until long after midnight, hazarding guesses about him. [Please select]
Tom fully understood the necessity, and followed suit, first hazarding a glance at the discomfited bear. [Please select]
Yes, my friend, I said, and I then shrank from hazarding the bold word; but now let me dare to say--that the perfect guardian must be a philosopher. [Please select]
This was written in 1855; we abstain from hazarding a conjecture as to whether she would think better or worse of us now. [Please select]
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