Sentence example with the word 'impaling'


Last update: August 6, 2015


Meanwhile Dozsa had captured the city and fortress of Csanad, and signalized his victory by impaling the bishop and the castellan.   [Please select]


"I am not in the business of killing and impaling exquisite creatures like that."   [Please select]


"Certainly, Peter," said Truxton, engaged in impaling a stubborn worm.   [Please select]


Shrikes are noted for their singular habit of impaling their prey on thorns or similarly sharp-pointed growths, or occasionally they may hang it in the crotch of a limb.   [Please select]


In Uganda, where Stanley in 1875 saw King Mtesa impaling his victims, there are now ninety thousand natives professing Christianity, three hundred and twenty churches, and many thousands of children in the schools.   [Please select]

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impales - impaling - impalpability