Sentence example with the word 'immortalizing'


Last update: June 20, 2015


We advise it to seize this opportunity to honor itself and perpetuate the good name of its worthiest citizen, by immortalizing some street, spot, shaft or building with his name.   [Please select]


A volume like this would scarcely suffice to do justice to the merits of the eminent artists who now flourished in Belgium; at once founding, perfecting, and immortalizing the Flemish school of painting.   [Please select]


I must thank you for the honor you have done me in thus immortalizing the beauty and character of Mrs.   [Please select]


Directness was his distinctive and immortalizing quality.   [Please select]


The West Point Chapel is of interest on account of the number of tablets to be found in it, immortalizing many of the Revolutionary heroes.   [Please select]

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immortalizes - immortalizing - immortally