Sentence example with the word 'immateriality'


airiness, disconnection, falseness, impalpability, independence, littleness, phantasm, secrecy, sorcery, theophany, unsubstantialness

Definition n. complete irrelevance requiring no further consideration

Last update: June 11, 2015


Johnson, who wished for consistency, would have had it preserved "by keeping immateriality out of sight."   [Please select]


"'Tis the consideration of immateriality, or the mere spirit and essence of things."'   [Please select]


Thus robbed of its substantiality, the soul has no further claims to immateriality and immortality, and suicide ceases to be a crime.   [Please select]


The freedom of my thought and action guarantees to me the immateriality of my soul, and is that which distinguishes me from the brute.   [Please select]

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immaterialist - immateriality - immature