Here are Pinturicchio's famous frescoes of scenes from the life of the latter pontiff, and the collection of choir books (supported on sculptured desks) with splendid illuminations by Sienese and other artists. [Please select]
There were great festivities--illuminations, state concerts, immense crowds, and general rejoicings. [Please select]
There were receptions and illuminations, but what pleased the spectators most was the great parade. [Please select]
Weird illuminations played fantastic tricks in the foliage from which the startled shadows had vanished. [Please select]
Soon after the bonfires and illuminations for these victories were ended, Mr. [Please select]
Great illuminations and rejoicings took place over all these things, and the country was wildly excited. [Please select]
As the news spread there were bonfires and illuminations in all the colonies. [Please select]
George's Chapel at Windsor, the whole of England made merry, and there were bonfires on every hill, and illuminations in every town, so that the whole island was glowing with brightness all that Spring evening. [Please select]
Holbein introduced the painting of miniature portraits into this country, for although the monks inserted figures in their illuminations, little attempt was made in producing likenesses. [Please select]
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